Monday, March 5, 2018

Week Twenty-Five March Break Madness

Day 110
No Spelling List This Week
No Homework Package Too!

Indeed, the children were thrilled to learn that there would be no spelling list nor homework handed out this week.

Mr. Hamer felt that, like the teachers, the students need a March Break with no homework nor studying.

Today we had many students away

We reviewed last week's story of The Good Samaritan.

The children shared the sentences they chose from our brainstormed version off the Smart Board.

For this class book we chose to offer up only two sentences to choose from this time for each sentence in our story.

Then, our final sentence was a single one we all agreed upon.

Brainstorming is fun because you get lots of good ideas thrown into the mix.

I'm proud of the effort the students put forth.

Likewise, they take pride in their finished product as well.

Judging by the big smile on this lad, he is happy with his story.

As is this lad.

This lass too!

It is fun to see all of the different colouring styles.

Along with the care to detail.

Indeed, some lovely work.

That's a bright blue sky.

Mr. Hamer told the students how he traveled along the same road as the Israelite and the Samaritan when Mr. Hamer visited the Holy Land some five years ago.

It is known as the Road of the Good Samaritan.

Mrs. Blackmore and Mr. Hamer ran choir again on Monday.

We are working on songs for Easter.

As well as songs for a massed choral event the school board puts on.

Where we travel to a high school around the time of Education Week.
The choir looks forward to these special concerts.

While in the Learning Commons...

...I noticed some very interesting works of art...

...created by our Grade Six students... celebrate Black History Month.

The Grade Six pupils did a magnificent job.

With each model depicting a person who made a valued contribution to society.

What a tremendous learning experience.

Thanks for checking in on the blog!
Indeed, it sure feels like it's about that time of the year!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 111

Tuesday was Day 111 at school for this year.
Yup, March Break is in view on the horizon!

Our class is helping to prepare the pipe lines for our Lenten Fundraising Project which will be in support of OK Clean Water as well as in support of our Syrian refugee family at the church.

Some of the students assisted Mr. Hamer with cutting and glueing.

The pupils located a favourite page of theirs in our class books.

This little girl remembered the beginning of Lent.

When we enjoyed a few pancakes for breakfast in the classroom.

This girl knows that a noun is a person, place of thing.

She also knows that we have proper and common nouns as well.

A really nice effort.

This helpful student recalled some family traditions.

Which we wrote about around Christmas time.

Lovely work!

Yes, we made a few resolutions when we returned in January.

She states that she has kept hers so far this year.

You go, girl!

Halloween is always a popular time of the year with the students.

Writing an acrostic poem can be challenging.

But it can be a lot of fun as well.

Thanksgiving was very special too.

Smile for the camera as we have so much to be appreciative of .

A thankful note.

We must remember our fallen comrades who have made our lives better.

We will never forget them.

We can all strive for greater peace in the world.

At the end of each month we review what we did over that span of time.

February was a popular month.

A colourful effort.

100's Day was a ton of fun.

"Thanks, Mr. Hamer, for the team effort!"

"Not a was so much fun!"

Check in tomorrow for a recap of Wednesday as we are lagging a day behind this week.
Have a relaxing evening everyone!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 112

 Yes, March Break is now here, although Mr. Hamer is getting caught up on this past week's blog.  Mr. Hamer has been out every night this week in musical rehearsals and shows!

Let's get back to looking at some of our class books.

This lad learned all about the Bible story of Noah's Ark.

Thankfully God placed a rainbow in the sky as a covenant to His people that He would never again send a great flood to cover the whole earth.

This young lad loves the story of Toby the Turtle.

Who slowly circumnavigated the perimeter of a farmer's property by following the fence line.

Toby's journey took him through all four of the seasons.

Play Days are tons of fun.

And the Winter Play Day is no exception.

Even if this lad wanted it to be held in Italy!  Hehehe!

On Remembrance Day...

...we thank all of our veterans who served.

We appreciate all of your contributions!

Aha!  The story of Zacchaeus.

The tax collector who stole from his neighbours.

When he met Jesus he became a changed man.

Yup...coming soon...or already here?
Have a great day everyone!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 113

Are we there yet?
Big smile!

Let's check in on our class book...

after we read the story about a little boy...

...who wanted to find God.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog posting...

...the little guy wanted to have a conversation with God...

...but he felt that he had to find God first.

His grandpa asked why he was looking for God.

The little boy wanted to ensure God would look after his mom.

His mom had to go to the hospital for surgery.

Grandpa explained that God worked through the doctors, nurses and other staff members at the hospital.

The little boy began to realize that, indeed, God is everywhere.

He learned that he could talk to God anytime...

...night or day.

Eventually, the little boy was able to calm his worries.

He certainly is a lucky little guy... he has a wonderful and caring family.

Yes, God works through all of us.

Moms and dads, what would you write if you were given this class book page?

Yippee!  Almost Spring Break!
Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 114

Friday, the final day of school before the much anticipated March Break.

Before sharing Friday's photos, let's look back at yesterday.

We held a "spelling bee" in class.

Where we reviewed all of our words we had learned throughout the year.

I asked for a couple of "crazy" shots as well.

Back to Friday.

Only 14 of 20 students in school meant that we would have a fun day.

Great colour pages in this book.

Brought to class by this little girl.

Cool colour tones.

Then, it was more drawing practice.

Where some of the girls opted to draw their classmates.

Such attention to detail.

Looks just like her friend!

Coming along nicely.

Hello there!


Drawing programs on the chrome book.

Allow this artist to draw an owl.

The chrome book comes in handy...

...when you want to learn paper folding techniques.

Using "Goos" Paper, (Good On One Side) a form of recycling.

Looking good young man.

Just some general fun on the computers.

"Look at my drawings, Mr Hamer!"

"I used Goos Paper as well.


Even though we had few students.

We went ahead with our math times tables quiz.

These teacher aids are placing stickers on the math quizzes.

"It's fun helping out the teacher!

More art efforts.

Looking so good!

Mrs. Fraser led a Zumba workshop in the gym.

Teachers and students certainly got a great workout.

She did a full block workshop for the Kindergarten children in Block Two.

Then another for the Grade One and Two children in Block Three.

And a final workshop for the Grade 3-6 pupils in Block Four.

Suffice it to say, we're all in pretty good shape.

And we have fun too.

Rapt attention.

A full gym.

A great leader.

Some great followers.

"Can we do this each week?"

We'll have to ask Mrs. Fraser.

Mrs. Schouten shared this image from the junior Zumba workshop.

Mrs. Akl shared this image of our class visiting hers for a singsong a week or so ago.

March Break is finally here!
I sincerely hope all of our St. Bernard families enjoy a safe, peaceful and relaxing week away from school.  Mr. Hamer OCT

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