Monday, May 14, 2018

Week Thirty-Four Natalie Visits

Our Weekly Spelling List - Week Thirty-Four (Quiz will be next Monday)
     Grade One  (common misspelled words)  Grade Two  (common misspelled words)

                                               1.   are                              1.   again
                                               2.   goes                           2.   some
                                               3.   of                                3.   off
                                               4.   have                           4.   going
                                               5.   was                            5.   than
                                               6.   said                            6.   people
                                               7.   you                             7.   another

                          Day 153

Mr. Hamer's neighbour, Natalie, will be visiting our class throughout this school week.
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Today, she proved to be a tremendous help working with all of the grade one and grade two pupils.

Natalie is studying at Trent University and has completed her studies for this school year.

She assisted Mr. Hamer reading some student work at carpet.

Plenty of hands shoot up when Natalie poses a question.

Lots of eager students.

Then it's down to our seatwork.

We are completing a spelling activity.

The work involves the solving of a crossword puzzle.

Natalie reminded the boys and girls that there are many strategies you can utilize when solving a crossword puzzle.

You can reference the "down" and "across" definitions.

You can count the boxes which will indicate the number of letters each word contains.

You can refer to the "word bank" if one is available.

Finally, as you begin to solve the crossword you are provided with some letter clues which help solve the following missing word.  Looks like snack time to me.

Some healthy snacks.

Some fun snacks.

Snacks as props!

That's a long tongue you have.

In Block Two we gathered in Ms. Marasco's class for a special story.

This lovely story teaches us the greatness we all hold inside of us.
It is our job to bring this greatness out and do great things for the world.
Check out the hyperlink below to see a read-aloud of this wonderful story.
(You may have to copy and paste the link into your address bar.)

The children listened attentively as the story was read by Mr. Hamer.

Back in class, Natalie led a lesson on printing the letter Y.
She first had the children attempt to guess the many letters she created in the air with her arm.  Lots of fun!

Then it was down to work once again.

With all of our little friends on task beautifully.

Some more images of other work.

Dedicated pupils.

Thanks for a great day, Natalie.

Natalie presents a young lady with her award for great focusing in class.

And an award for a young lad as well!
To see what we did throughout Education Week, simply refer to the blog archive to the right side of the page near the top of this posting.

Have a great evening all!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 154

Natalie selected this wonderful story to read to the class.

The author is Max Lucado, the same author who wrote our Acorn/Oak Tree story we read the day before.

Lots of eager respondents to her many excellent questions.

Keen pupils.

What a lovely story about being true to yourself.

Natalie also reviewed short-i and long-i words with the class.

A young lad is getting up to come up to the front.

Where he leads calendar.

He selects some peers to respond to his queries.

Lots of smart students!

Then it was on to a short-i wordsearch.

Lots of smiling faces.

Natalie visits the various groups around the room.

Happy lads.

A dedicated girl.

She shows her work to Natalie.

While others who have finished the wordsearch are rewarded with some fun chrome book time.

Where they share strategies and advice as well.

One girl assists another in the room.  Teachers appreciate peer helpers!

Our two award winners this morning for demonstrating excellent listening skills.

Lunch time fun.  A reward was being able to work on the chrome books after eating.

In Grade Three French class the children are making a model of their community.

Looking really nice!

We've circled the short-i words.

We've joined the rhyming words.

We love to share our homework with each other.

A bulletin board in the school demonstrates the many activities our ECO team has accomplished throughout the school year.

In September, we met and discussed our goals for the school year.

In October, presentations around the school by the ECO team were greatly appreciated.

Some fund-raisers took place in November.

Lots of exciting "Spirit Days" in December including the Snowflake Sale.

An energy audit took place in January.

Some more "Spirit Days" in February.

Inquiries took place in March.

Remember when we collected all of those plastic bags in April?

We cleaned up our area of the Capital in May.

In June we celebrate what we have accomplished all school year!

Tomorrow, our Grade Two's head out on their field trip.

We are off to the Gatineau Park Visitor Centre.

Here is what it looks like on the inside.
Come prepared for the weather and the forest.
Parent Volunteers can follow the school bus from school at 9:15 or simply meet us up at the Gatineau Nature Centre at 9:45.

Our Grade Ones are on a different field trip tomorrow as well.

They will visit the newly refurbished Museum of Science and Technology.

Where they will explore all of the exhibits.

A view from outside.

A view from inside the museum.
Parent volunteers on this trip can follow the school bus which will depart the school at 9:30.
Have a great evening everyone!   Mr. Hamer OC

Day 155

Wednesday morning found the Grade Two's on a school bus.

They were heading to Quebec for a field trip.

To the Gatineau Nature Centre where we will learn how animals use their senses in order to survive and find food.

We gather on the rocks.

Where we get ready to listen to our group guide.

On a beautiful, sunny morning.

Our guide, Simon, reviews the rules for the day.

While parent volunteers look on.

We arrive the big map.

Where Simon points out the exact location we are within the larger park.

Keen ears listen to his every word.

Then it's over to the bridge that will take us into a mystical, magical land.

Approaching the bridge.

Crossing the span.

The creek below.

The beaver dam.

Simon tells us that we must press our magical button in order to turn into an animal as we enter the realm of nature.

Through the arches.


Hi Mrs. Eaton!

Up the path.

Our first stop we learn about how animals use the sense of taste to defend themselves.

Yes, this creature will secrete a nasty fluid if approached by a predator.

Like this snake.

We gather in the shade.

Tons of trilliums...our provincial flower...found in Quebec.

On to the next station.

We reach a meadow.

Where we gather in a circle.

To learn about another sense.

Simon tells us that the squirrels take advantage of their strong sense of smell.

To locate acorns buried beneath up to two metres of snow in winter.

Simon talks about survival.

The children listen attentively.

He shares with us a pine cone that has yet to be eaten by the squirrels and one that has been devoured.

Very interesting.

Then the pupils are given popsicle sticks which represent the acorns.

They hide them about the field.  One type of squirrel buries a whole bunch at a time while another type of squirrels spreads the acorns all around, not in one bunch.

After the adults were given a short amount of time to try to locate as many popsicle stick acorns as they could, we gathered once more.

Then it was off to the next station.

Check in tomorrow to see more pictures and read more stories from our great field trip!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 156

Today was Natalie's last day with us.

She led a math lesson early in the morning.

With many hands shooting up in the air.

Then it was down to work.

Halfway through the first block of the day we headed into the main school.

We visited Mrs. Bellamy's Grade One class.

Her class read us their "Message of the Day".

Then it was on to singing!

We learned a new song about "Going to the Zoo".

The children enjoyed a verse Mr. Hamer wrote from the perspective of the animals in the zoo.

Rather than people checking out the animals, Mr. Hamer's verse told us about what the animals said while the people were observing them!

Then back outdoors.

For some "Fun in the Sun!"

The children formed a caterpillar line.

Where they followed Mr. Hamer back to the portapack.

With lots of detours en route!

Loads of fun!

Back in class, it was down to their math work.

With all pupils well on task.

Indeed, Natalie is a natural teacher!

The other day Natalie read the Max Lucado book entitled, You Are Special.

Today she read another of his books entitled If I Only Had a Green Nose.
Feel free to ask your child the lesson they learned while listening to this touching story.

Still later, it was back to carpet.

Natalie thought that she was going to read a couple of class books we had written.

But we surprised her.

Mr. Hamer snuck the special book we had made for Natalie thanking her for visiting our class.  Indeed she was so surprised!

Then it was time for a photo opportunity.

With each page read aloud.  (Feel free to click on the image to enlarge it for reading purposes.)

Happy students.

Happy stories.

Smiles all around.

Way too much fun.

Some children were absent so their "face magnet" filled in for themselves.

Nice tones of purple seen here.

Another child away for the long weekend.

Her story.

The children love Natalie.

They wrote lovely stories.

They thanked Natalie...

...for all that she did for them.

Very special.

Love the hearts!

Another absent student.

Cool usage of markers.

"I'll miss Natalie," this little girl was heard to say.

Nice red and orange tones.

Colourful people.

Colourful page!

"It was fun having Natalie here," this young lad mentioned.

Nice work.

A couple of eager participants!

With lots of happy faces on the page.

"I really loved having Natalie here!" this smiley lad said.

Cool artwork.

A funny bunny!

"Thanks, Natalie!"

A funny face!

A colourful space.

Colourful shirts.

Rainbow coloured border.

A photo bomb!

Nicely done.

"You will be a great teacher, Natalie!" he said.

And he really meant it!

"She already is a great teacher!" this young lad added.

And he really meant it too!

We loved the Max Lucado stories.

Which Natalie read...

...with Mr. Hamer.

Say...who'se that guy?  He hardly ever appears in the blog.

So many smiles.

Later in the afternoon, it was "catch-up" time.  A grade six helper came into class.

Hard at work.


"I was given an award for singing with lots of joy and vocal projection!"

"Me too!"

Hey, we can't forget our field trip from the previous day.

We headed "into the woods".

Up the winding path.

Where we met in a meadow.

We learned how deer use their ears and sense of hearing for protection.

We blindfolded a student and had him/her stand in the middle of a large circle.

Whenever Mr. Hamer chose a student, they had to sneak up on the "deer" in the middle of the circle and grab the little blue bag.

Many were caught by the deer before they reached the bag.

But some made it successfully to the bag.

Simon explained how deer can actually move their ears around in search of "sounds" in their environment...we have to turn our head to do so.

We then looked at the sense of sight.  Cool eyes!

We learned that other animals see things differently than we do.

Then we got out the magnifying glasses and other visual paraphenalia.

Such as mirrors and kaleidoscopes.

Look closely on the brown leaf and you'll see the "leopard frog" we discovered.

Using the magnifiers to examine some foliage.

A young scientist.

Then it was back up the path.

Where we learned about the sense of "touch" by examining another animal.'ll have to wait until later to learn about that!
Have a wonderful four-day weekend everyone!  Mr. Hamer OCT

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