Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Week Twenty-Eight - More Visits From Scientists

Day 125

Our Weekly Spelling List - Week Twenty-Eight (Quiz will be next Monday)
                            Grade One  (th digraph)            Grade Two  (oo and u sound)

                                      1.   the                                 1.   book
                                      2.   them                              2.   wood
                                      3.   this                                3.   foot
                                      4.   that                                4.   cook
                                      5.   they                                5.   push
                                      6.   there                               6.   pull
                                      7.   those                              7.   put

On Tuesday, our Grade One pupils head over to Mrs. Gillam's room to work with a scientist learning all about structures.  Hopefully their build will turn out better than this manmade structure did!  (Check in later to see images from the visit!)

Perhaps a little more like the one in behind Mr. Hamer.  As Bob Dylan wrote..."I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now!"  Hehehe!

Say, how about our amazing school?  We raised a grand total of $3011.87 over our eight day fund raising effort.

Kudos to all the boys and girls who participated.

Yes, your donations surely will make a difference.

We are proud to help our refugee family from Syria and our friends in Kumbo, Cameroon.

"I'm proud of my cross!"


"How do you like mine?"

It's amazing!

Students hard at work last week.

Having fun as well.

Determined efforts.

Devotion to detail.

"I like my three crosses."

"I have an angel in my picture."

Yummy treat as well.

Fine motor control.

Good practise.

Lovely colours to match your outfit!

He loves art!

Nice glueing.

A colourful sky.

Up close.

Must be sunset.

Or perhaps sunrise.

"I'm happy with my work."

Lovely saying on your art.

Let's check back in on last week's Grade One trip to Proulx Maple and Berry farm.

Following our lessons and lunch it was time to play.

On the giant haystack.

They are kings and queens of the castle!

How about the climbing wall?

Helps build upper body strength.

Colourful too.

"Look at me, Mr. Hamer!"

Sure looks like a ton of fun!

Down the giant slide.

Here they come!

So fast!

Loads of laughs as well.

Mr. Hamer's twin brother!

He likes to eat like Mr. Hamer!

But he's not as polite as Mr. Hamer.


A little cutie pie.

Need some wool for a sweater?

Oink, oink!
Check in later this evening to see more pics from the past few days as well as pics from our Grade One visit with the scientist.  Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 126

As promised, here are some pictures from today's visit by a scientist to our Grade One classes.

Our pupils headed over to Mrs. Gillam's class for their lesson.

Here's Mrs. Gillam laying down the ground rules.

The children were put in groups where they would rotate through the various centers.

First, there was a short lesson on the Smartboard.

Listening to the rules.

As they are being delivered.

Eager participants.

With a host of parent volunteers for each group.

Yes, you better put your name on your pamphlet!

Instructions for each centre.

Loads of materials.

Colourful activities.

A discussion on structures.

A discussion on materials.

Time to check them out.

How about a building centre?

Learning to join various components.

With the use of safety glasses.


Aha!  That's how it works.

Dexterity is required.

But he can do it!

A lesson on stability.

Will the structure remain standing when we create a wind.

It won't of you don't have a foundation to anchor the structure in the ground.

It appears this structure may just withstand the wind.

Waiting for her turn.

Waiting for his turn.
More pictures to follow tomorrow!

Let's check back in at the farm from last week.

Some creatures in the field.

Merrily grazing.

A tri-coloured sweater, I believe.

A woolly mammal!

A feathered friend.


Here she comes.

Here come the lads!

Looks like fun in the play area!

A quick slider.

My turn!

Some more cross art.

Lovely background.

A proud lad.

Indeed, He is risen!

Three crosses.

Against a blue sky.

I imagine that I will have to change out this banner now.
Have a great evening everyone!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 127

Thursday brought us to Day 127.

We continue to check in on the Grade One science lesson.

Where the students learned about structures.

They learned that structures are made of many different materials.

They learned that structures must be flexible, yet stable.

Structures support a load.

They span a gap.

Structures, like our school or this classroom can contain or enclose people and objects.

Foundations must be stable and strong.

The framework of a structure takes on different shapes.

Structures have roofs for protection.
(Of course, these past few captions did not deal with each image specifically, just some of the information the students were exposed to in the "Hands On" lesson.)

A nice art form near "The Zone".

Colourful, as always.

Love the butterflies.

Here is the handbook the Grade One students received.

Which contains much of the information mentioned in the captions above.

Looks like lots of information, for sure.

Lots to take in.

Later on, back in our class...

...we have our desks rearranged.

With all students facing the Smartboard.

Where they can still work in groups.

As they share supplies.

Check in tomorrow to see images from Friday!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 128

 Day 128 was Friday.  This only means that the weekend is upon us!
And...what a very special weekend this will be for some of our Grade Two friends who will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

The two services for this special event will be at 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM at Saint Bernard Catholic Church.

Here is a lovely picture I found on the net showcasing our wonderful church.
A letter went home this week containing last minute reminders.
I've also included the letter at the bottom of this posting.

Seeing as some of us recently visited a Maple and Berry farm, I thought it was fitting to share the poem above with the students.

Then they enjoyed colouring the sheet after reciting the poem in a wide variety of ways.

Different children took line at a time or an entire stanza.

Or...perhaps a boy and a girl co-read it alternating lines!
Then a whole class choral chant of the poem.  Too much fun!

Later, the boys and girls learned the varies rules of making plural words in this worksheet which corresponded with the poem.

One of our resident artists!


"Got all three of ya!"

Hard at work.

Still more artwork.

At some point over the next few days, I will post our monthly review of the month of March.

Until then, enjoy a couple of samplings of what we did in March.

As brainstormed by the class.

Lots of happenings, for sure.

Of course, we can't forget about our March Break!

Each student did something totally different.

Some went to interesting places, both local.

And away.

We also enjoyed putting together our class book on Simple Machines.

Where we learned that they make work easier.

And that we use them every day without even thinking.

We also learned that there are six simple machines.

Another class book which we hadn't shared recently.

Here are a few pages.

About how we can make the world a better place.

Colourful work.

A lovely effort.

One of our Bible stories.

A parable Jesus taught.

Where we learned a valuable lesson.

Some of these had been shared before.

Last week the weather was crazy!

We almost thought that we would have another "Snow Day!"

Fortunately the buses were running.

And everybody made it to school.

Who'd have thought in April!

Yet another glance back at our field trip last week.

Inside the main store.

Lots of syrup, jams and jellies.

As well as creative art!

Wonderful dispays.

Fun outside.

With warm weather to boot!

Back on the haystack.

Running around.

Stuck in the ground!

Still more artwork in class.

From another creative pupil.

Love the cross art.

 With some creative background colouring.

Each version is unique.

Each version is beautiful.

Snack time...

Brings out the smiles...

Because we know...

We will be getting a break from work...

And we'll soon be...

Heading outside...


A much deserved...

Recess break!

Love the heart...

On the hat...

On the little girl!

Our special newsletter for the parents of the the children receiving their First Holy Communion.

Remember, if you click on the image it will become larger and more fit to read.

Looking forward to seeing many of you Sunday at 1:30 along with the other Grade Two teachers.  Please do enjoy this wonderful weekend!  Mr. Hamer OCT

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